Saturday, February 10, 2007

Flipping Out, Spinning Around

I was thinking of making flipbooks for presents. If I had my act together I would have make one for Valentines. But any of these would be fun ways to express your love!

The phenakistiscope and here from MOMI. A dragon and Waltz.

The zoetrope. PDF for Zeotrope from Jack & Beverly’s optical toys. Build your own Zoetrope.

Thaumatropes, flowers and vase. Ruth Hayes of Random Motion tells you how to make a Thaumatrope and on The Bill Douglas Centre.

Flippies Gallery, Benetton Flipbook, Raising a family flipbook from Student flipbooks, you can color kits to make a flipbook, sounds like a great present from Fliptomania, or they can design your entire book. Flipbooks from Mundoflip, I love you flipbook, No brain, no pain flipbook, the incredible shrinking clean car, those are sooooo funny. Such a great idea for grandparents for an unusual present, flipclips! Something you can do with your kids and old phonebooks. Make your own Solar eruptions.

I have been flipping through these books I bought at the Goodwill many months ago ... The Family Creative Workshop, 23 Volumes of crafts books by alphabetical order, weird by fun. Found an entry on Foil Flowers, made from pie tins! I think I made them when I was a kid. Here is an animation showing you how. Wouldn't be fun to make a crown (scroll down) of foil flowers?

And of course, there is always tissue paper or crepe paper flowers, or a paper flower curtain! Don't hate me, I bought a couple of Martha's kits years ago! Or you can buy some Mexican dahlia flowers.

Paper flowers photo by James Cheng

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