Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Chocolate And Presents

I have been slaving over this all night and have about $15.00 worth of chocolate stuck in this stupid mold that I bought myself for Christmas. Arrrggghh. So made my back-up treat, Triple Chocolate Raspberry Brownies to take to work tomorrow.

I wish these photos turned out better. I found the most delicous tea set today at Festivities in Edmonds. A must have, for me, and bought them. AND bought beautiful black boxes with woven lacquered tops (on sale) to contain my Valentines presents. They ARE the present ;). Also bought a hand-woven bag that is exquisite for my S-I-L. If you are ever in Edmonds, you must visit Festivities, my favorite place in Edmonds. Mom bought me another Pandora charm for my bracelet and now it is full. I found mom the perfect necklace. I love visiting and shopping in my little hometown of Edmonds and I hardly ever take the time to drive two minutes to go there.

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