Friday, February 02, 2007

Algernon Charle Swinburne

This month's theme is ending up to be about love in all forms. I lost my poem book where I discovered many of Swinurne's poems that I love and can recite most of them from memory. They have that effect on you. It is the rhythm that always appealed to me.

From Hermaphroditus

"Love, is it love or sleep or shadow or light
That lies between thine eyelids and thine eyes?
Like a flower laid upon a flower it lies,
Or like the night's dew laid upon the night.
Love stands upon thy left hand and thy right,
Yet by no sunset and by no moonrise
Shall make thee man and ease a woman's sighs,
Or make thee woman for a man's delight.
To what strange end hath some strange god made fair
The double blossom of two fruitless flowers?
Hid love in all the folds of all thy hair,
Fed thee on summers, watered thee with showers,
Given all the gold that all the seasons wear
To thee that art a thing of barren hours?"

Love and Sleep

"Lying asleep between the strokes of night
I saw my love lean over my sad bed,
Pale as the duskiest lily's leaf or head,
Smooth-skinned and dark, with bare throat made to bite,
Too wan for blushing and too warm for white,
But perfect-coloured without white or red.
And her lips opened amorously, and said -
I wist not what, saving one word - Delight.

And all her face was honey to my mouth,
And all her body pasture to mine eyes;
The long lithe arms and hotter hands than fire
The quivering flanks, hair smelling of the south,
The bright light feet, the splendid supple thighs
And glittering eyelids of my soul's desire."

A Ballad of Life and Prelude -- Tristram and Iseult.

The Swinburne Project, A digital archive of the life and works of Algernon Charles Swinburne. Poems and Ballads by Algernon Charles Swinburne.

But this is my favorite of his work and how I feel in love with him:
The Garden of Proserpine, read the entire poem here:

"HERE, where the world is quiet,
Here, where all trouble seems
Dead winds’ and spent waves’ riot
In doubtful dreams of dreams;
I watch the green field growing
For reaping folk and sowing,
For harvest time and mowing,
A sleepy world of streams.

I am tired of tears and laughter,
And men that laugh and weep
Of what may come hereafter
For men that sow to reap:
I am weary of days and hours,
Blown buds of barren flowers,
Desires and dreams and powers
And everything but sleep."

1 comment:

  1. yes you are so right, karan, and I love Donne too ;)


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