Saturday, January 06, 2007


"Few things are more gratifying to the eye and the imagination than a good snow globe. The collaborators Walter Martin and Paloma Muñoz have taken advantage of this foolproof form to tell evocative tales of lonesome travelers in frozen wildernesses. Each water-filled six-inch sphere, mounted on a round wooden base, contains an arctic topography of snow-clad hills and boulders and dead trees where one or more little plastic people (bought at model-making supply stores) are passing through or stranded.

In most cases they are carrying suitcases, briefcases or backpacks and are dressed not for polar exploration but in ordinary street clothes. A woman stoops to peer into the hollow at the base of a tree. A little schoolgirl finds her path blocked by a stocky bald man in a shirt and tie. A wolf stalks a woman in red. A man sits disconsolately on a rough wooden platform high in a dead tree. An S.U.V. gone off track is buried in snow. Snow falls gently on these sad scenes when the globes are jostled.

Like fairy tales or dreams, the tiny tableaus work as psychological metaphors: specifically, a stage everyone is bound to enter when life has lost its warmth and promise, at which point finding a new way becomes desperately urgent. Mr. Martin and Ms. Muñoz also exhibit large photographs of the scenes they have constructed, but these are not nearly as marvelous as the snow globes."

Keven Johnson, New York Times

Everyone in the world must have allready seen these! But I had not. Brilliant! Walter Martin and Paloma Muñoz's Snowglobes. Their past work. Via Lori Gordon.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Sorry I haven't been here in a few days. I had to wait until the snake photo got far enough down that it no longer showed! I have a REAL fear of snakes and just about freaked out when I clicked on your blog and encountered one. I know it's silly but that's just me.
    I do love snow globes though and they don't send terror racing through my body so I'll be spending some time on those sites you linked.


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