Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Self-Portrait Challenge - 01.30

Try to find ME and find time for ME in my completely messy, chaotic, disorganized life! I spent all day trying to hook up a new (used G4) computer and get a new scanner hooked-up, getting computers to talked to each other. Lots of dust and cables and frustration! Arghhhhh! More resolutions Self-Portrait Challenge.


  1. That's so funny... my husband and I spent last night setting up and fiddling with a used G4 Mac too! (we're used to PCs... so the whole change of mindset has been odd enough!). It's up and running now... at last! Not an easy place to find onself... amidst the cables and applications of a new computer!

  2. looks like you are underwater!
    g4....home or work?
    lucky girl!

  3. I love your photo. I am hoping for a new camera soon and get caught up in all the crazy things one can do. Your photo is so unique!


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