Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Self-Portrait Challenge - 01.23

I have felt so overwhelmed with life well before last October that I want a little playtime to return to my brain. I want "lightness" to return to my life, not feeling like I am so burden with duties and challenges that I hardly ever smile. Fun! Play! Should be the order of the day ') Brainstorming. Onced my work drive-time was full creative projects, over-flowing with new ideas, now I only think of work and my long list of what needs to be done at home. My resolution: Lighten up, "Kim, don't take it all so seriously!" More resolutions here.

Self-protrait challenge 01.23


  1. mmm...lightness sounds wonderful.

    and this photo is so whimsical, i love it!


  2. Anonymous5:36 PM

    love the artistic flair added to the reflective portrait...you look lighter already! :)

  3. Anonymous8:04 PM

    oh me too! i really need to stop the seriousness!

    where did you get the brush application? i dig it!

  4. Good resolution and lovely pic! Also, I really like your glasses. I never realized before now that they had the green on them...cool!

  5. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Mmmm, I love it !!! I agree with Boho... Lightness sounds wonderful indeed.


  6. Anonymous2:34 AM

    i've been thinking a great deal about this too (about lightening up) because i can be such a grump with my family. i have a quote that i like to turn to often now, it goes: "The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh because crying gives me a headache." this quote is by a little old lady who had a great sense of humour.

  7. Anonymous4:08 AM

    I think this resolution could work for many, many people...including me. ;) Love the picture!

  8. as usual, your sentiments ring true for me too...what a glorious picture also. may your intention stay with you.

  9. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Love your treatment on this, Kim. Alway so unique.

  10. Anonymous1:04 PM

    You bring up such an important concept: Play, lightness. We just don't take ourselves seriously enough to realize we should lighten up and get more fun into our lives.

  11. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Love this, Kim. Love the use of the dove illio.

  12. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I absolutely love this photo. The artwork is a wonderful addition that makes a good photo even better.

  13. thank you all so much for your sweet and wondeful comments.

  14. Anonymous2:01 AM

    beautiful resolution and portrait


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