Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I Need Your Help

A delightful friend who onced work with me; a young, vibrant, talented, athletic, sensitive ... I could go on ... is need of your good wishes, prayers, chants, good vibes .... I am sending all of these things his way tonight. I heard today that he was participating in a polar bear swim on the east coast and while diving in, became injured, and is right now lying in intensive care. Please take a moment to send, Mohan, good, warm thoughts his way. Thank you.


  1. Anonymous3:29 AM

    So sorry your friend is in a bad way. I'll definitely send him prayers for healing.

  2. Sending Prayers and Healing Light to your Friend...

    Joyous & Prosperous New Beginnings to You Kim...

    Libra Moon

  3. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I will join in prayers said for your friend. Those Polar Bears are pretty tough people. Good thoughts all around!

  4. Sending good thoughts and prayers to your friend, Kim.


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