Sunday, January 28, 2007

Broken Clavical

M had a great morning of doing tricks on the slopes but the afternoon didn't go so good. Broken clavical. ;( I swear Pica knows that something is wrong with him ... staying very close to him.


  1. Dogs know when we're not right and all they want to do is fix it :). Feel better soon, M.

  2. Let's hope for a speey, painless as possible recovery!! "dare to live" they say...

  3. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Oh dear! Poor M! I broke my clavical when I was in high school (football injury, no less!). No cast but a sort of sling to hold the shoulders back. I played trombone then, too, and had to try to keep playing. I took a music stand, raised it up, put the part that holds music flat (like a table) and rested the bell on that while I moved the slide with my right arm. Hmmm...of course, if he broke the one that moves the slide, that probably won't work. Get well soon, M. : )


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