Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Self-Portrait Challenge - 12.19

Red No. 3 for Self-Portrait Challenge. Pica, the-red-nose-chihuahua.

Self Portrait Tuesday Red No. 3


  1. You and Pica are too cute with the red noses! Happy Holidays, Kim!

  2. Too funny, Kim! I always love to see what you come up with for your SPC entries. You're a fun and clever woman!

  3. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Adorable. :)

  4. You know I still loves me some Pica - he's a pip!

    I finally posted my response to your Christmas song Meme - and I have links to 3 of the tunes. I was waiting to respond until I finally found a copy of one of them - I couldn't find an audio file of it anywhere on the web, but it's a real gem. Enjoy!

  5. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I loved this!! So cute the two of you are! I have a picture of Faith from (I think) last Christmas. She would wear this blinking red nose until I was worried she would suffocate!


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