Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Self-Portrait Challenge - 12.12

Red No. 2 for Self-Portrait Challenge.


  1. I love all the portraiture you've been doing latey, Kim. Beautiful! And your house?! WOW! So warm and cheerful and Christmassy. Well done. Happy Holidays to your entire family.

  2. Anonymous2:19 PM

    What a cute idea!!! I love the crown of - are those cranberries???

    You look precious!! All these pictures are making me feel so festive, I actually got motivated to get our new family room unpacked so we could get the tree up - yay!

    Merry Christmas and happy red!

  3. OMG, look at you in that crown of berries and silky red shirt! You look festive and beautiful!

  4. The goddess in red! Beautiful.


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