Friday, December 22, 2006

The Progression of A Christmas Card

I had an idea for my Christmas card many months ago. I did not have time to do all the illustrations the card required, although I started a couple of them. So I got down to the final days and decided I would go another direction and create a little book of bottle brush trees. I wanted to print the pages out on one page, several to a page and do an accordion fold, so the book would have two images on each side of the page, with minimal printing. That was around the time I deleted my files. Like a dog with a bone, I photographed all the trees again and reproduced the book. I tried and tried to get that accordion fold down so all of my pages would match up, without spending too much time on each book and never achieved that. I made a quick decision to ditch that stupid idea and move on. I made an easier accordion fold and smaller version of my tag, sans the cool script O. It is all still fun.

For me, it is the idea and figuring out how to accomplish that idea that is the most fun. I love the production, the measuring, the preliminary putting together. All of that is the most fun for me!

During the production, addressing envelopes, I wanted a family picture of us (which I had suggested we take weeks ago but never happened). I came upstairs to find my son in his underwear. I, had not even brushed my hair in several days and I thought D looked fine. Of course, mom was dressed and made up. I said, "Let's all just gather here and take a quick photo, no one will know you are even in you underwear!" So I was trying to take one of those self-portrait-type-photos. My son said he would thrash me if I blogged or printed it. My husband laughed and said family members would come start an intervention on us with we included that photo in the card. Insisted M take a shower, and sweetly suggested that I brush my hair. And we managed a quick family Christmas photo an hour later.


  1. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Wonderfully original card, and great family photo!!! Merry christmas to you and yours!!!

  2. I'm so impressed!! Hope you are having a lovely day today!

  3. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Beautiful, beautiful. I hope you have a...beautiful Christmas!

  4. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Absolutely wonderful, you talented thang! Happy Holidays.

  5. Anonymous2:17 PM

    these christmas cards are awesome kim! if you were selling them i would snatch them up in a jiffy! merry christmas to you and your family. :)

  6. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Merry Christmas Kim to you and yours! Beautiful cards!! You know how I love those bottle brush trees.

  7. What a great family photo, impromptu and all. Wow. I am adoring your cards and wishing I was on your Christmas Cards list...

    I absolutely have to agree with you on the whole "design" to things. It's all in the designing part, the figuring out part, that I enjoy. Once I've done it, and finished one or two, I'm off to the next thing. I bore easily once the "thinking" part is over with.


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