Thursday, December 28, 2006

Illustration Friday - Peace (and Piece)

"Peace" for Illustration Friday. Today was there was a story about polar bears losing their habitat with the threat of global warming. I started thinking about them stuck on one small "piece" of ice in the future. Click on image to see a larger size.


  1. Anonymous5:11 AM

    This is adorable, Kim! And also de problem that lays underneath is very touching.

  2. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Love this illustration, as always

  3. my mom called me to tell me about this concern today and then i read a few articles about it...
    i really appreciate this one...and as always your thoughtful, unique, and playful take on the prompt.

  4. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I hate global warming! What we are doing do the planet is awful...but this is a very sweet, beautiful piece. :)

  5. Kim, your lines are spectacular and the design is top notch! Happy 2007!

  6. there you go leaving out the penguins...hhmmpphh...but I do like your bear...great flow with his posture

  7. Anonymous4:22 PM

    really good! love the skates!

  8. Anonymous7:37 PM

    this is sweet and funny at the same time. i really like this.

  9. Anonymous2:36 PM

    so cute! i love his ice skates :)


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