Thursday, December 28, 2006

Ice Garden

Ice rose.

Iced berries.

Ice daphne.


  1. It's been a while since I've checked in here:) beautiful ice garden. i hope you had a merry christmas & a BIG thank you for the itty bitty delicate and perfect card!

  2. Anonymous6:53 PM

    you should see my iced lawn, my iced shrubs, my iced driveway,,,, And my iced ...

  3. Hi Kim, glad to see your Christmas was so nice. Love these little iced babys.
    Frosty goodness, yum!

  4. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Happy New Year Kim, thanks for stopping by. It looks like you're having our winter and we're having yours. It's 55 and sunny and that's very unusual for Long Island. Not complaining though we will get clobbered any day now I'm sure. Your pictures are so delicate and ethereal-Just delightful.

  5. Wow - it's all sugar-coated!


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