Saturday, December 30, 2006

Coming Home

Coming home after 5 days of work feels like falling into a big, soft pillow. Comfort, smells, home! I don't think I could not work, but I wish it did not feel like it took up most of my life. Right now I feel like I opened presents and immediately ran to work. Then James Brown died, Saddam Hussein and Gerald Ford.....and now finally back home, to see all the presents exactly where I left them.


  1. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Kim, we wish you quiet hours in your beautiful home for filling up the batteries. xo, Friederike! and Sandra

  2. Such a lovely photo. That's funny - one would think you'd had your feet up since Christmas if they looked at that! *L* But I know you- dust never settles on my Kimmer!

  3. enjoy your time today. Thanks for being one of the first reads each day. You continue to inspire me with your photos, links and cheerful comments.

    Hugs and a terrific New Year filled with more light, creativity, and family memories that warm the soul.

  4. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Ha! As a fellow newsie, I had a similar week working on obits, executions and the year in review. I was zonked out on Saturday, too.
    Wishing you a very happy new year.


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