Saturday, December 23, 2006



Sign Language Braille Blocks from Uncle Goose. Hebrew alphabet blocks. Wholesale wooden blocks at DollarsDays (I wonder if they are a dollar?)

Alphabet Peek-a-Blocks. Myrtlewood alphabet blocks. Blocks for design purposes.

Inspired Generations ABC's Of Life Alphabet Blocks. 14-Piece vintage Halsam Alphabet Building Blocks and more antique building blocks. Building blocks and gift boxes made from corrugated cardboard from Box Turtle Design.

Arty Farty Blocks Christmas blocks and Alexander Girard Alphabet Blocks from House Industries.

1930's wood Alphabet Blocks at the Museum of Children. Downloadable Alphabet Blocks and Antique Alphabet blocks and his wooden dolls.

“Learning Normalcy,” Installation Alphabet blocks

Make your own blocks from paper. Customized Wooden Cubes (I want to do this!)

Glass blocks with engraved lettering by Peter Verheul and Illuster typeface.

Free 3-D baby block models from dancedreemer at Turbo Squid (you have to be a member).


  1. Anonymous5:48 PM

    What a clever post! Love those glass blocks!!!

  2. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Hey thanks for mentioning StoryBlox (and first), I'm flattered :)

    (creator of StoryBlox)


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