Sunday, December 03, 2006

Arty World, Getting Smaller

It all started when Christina asked me to be a part of an ArtFest "art round robin". Okay, let me tell you who Christina is. You know when you get just what you need in certain situations? Going to ArtFest, feeling very out-of-place and overwhelmed ... I received a little gift from God in the form of my roommate. She was gentle, shy, reserved, beautiful, talented and everyone loved her. She is an art teacher from Quebec. We talked ocassionally via e-mail and she asked me to be a part of the round robin. And I thought it sounded like fun.

And then I met Nanci, the person who sends me the next "project" of the round robin. She only lives 20 minutes from me, so she drives the project over (vs. mailing it). Our first meeting was delicious and lasted much longer than either of us thought it would. Nanci is outgoing, gregarious, fun and I can just imagine she never meets a stranger. She is good friends with Stacie, whom I communicate via e-mail all the time (from ArtFest) and she lives near my 'hood. The world is getting smaller.

Everytime Nanci comes over it is a Big Feast for the eyes ... she has been very busy in her creative life, making necklaces and bracelets. She attended Art & Soul a couple of months ago. Nanci and Stacie and many other artists get together on New Years and now Tara and I are included in this gathering, to talk and swap art. Remember, Tara is the artist I met on Flickr, who is also in my 'hood and talked me into going to ArtFest. World is still getting smaller! I shot some of Nanci's fun jewerly that she has either gotten from friends from ArtFest, or made herself. She does not blog, and has not read my blog to this date ;). So wish me luck in the rest of my round robin ... so far I feel quite inadequate to participate, and we will see all of the results at this upcoming ArtFest reunion.

Nanci made these bracelets and this wonderful necklace.

And ArtFest artist made this Heart Ring.

Another friend of hers is making these adorable felted hats and purses.


  1. Lovin' the Earth Elements... Thank You for sharing the Eye Candy!

    Libra Moon

  2. Anonymous9:32 AM

    What wonderful work and such talent! You will have no problem, I am sure of it, in your swap, as your talent always shines brightly!!!

  3. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Wow! Stunning work. Love the closeups!!!

  4. Anonymous3:10 PM

    very very pretty !! things that make you go oooooo love it.

  5. I love this post! It is amazing how the world gets smaller. Are you going to Artfest this next year? I hope so - I am! ♥


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