Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Self-Portrait Challenge - 11.14

The most glamorous thing about me is my mom. She is glam from the moment she gets out of bed until she goes to bed. She has always been the most glamorous woman I know and I did not inherit that trait. Get more glam here.


  1. Beautiful, just beatiful. She reminds me of my Mom too, always glamorous and never one to be caught in the rough. :)

  2. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Yes, she is very lovely and glamorous!

  3. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Your mother is a beautiful woman, very glamorous! As is her daughter.

  4. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Beautiful photos. I feel the same way about my mother. I think glam skips a generation because my sister's girl inherited it while we didn't!

  5. Stunning looking woman, Kim. And I think you underestimate yourself.


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