Saturday, November 04, 2006

Is The World Ready?

Top ten women drivers of the year.

The last photo I ever took contest.

Does the world really need this?


  1. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Omgosh, those last photos taken were HORRIFYING to me!!

  2. I am thinking it was a joke...someone sent it to me in email, but maybe not ;0

  3. Thanks for the good laughs this morning. I think most of the "last" photos were photo-shopped (not the bull one though, and that one really makes you WINCE" OUCH!
    It's funny/sad... for a moment I couldn't get the Gold of the Top Ten..when I did... I don't know if I was laughing at her or me!!!! heheh!

  4. I clicked on the MSN story and saw the undressed torso. Then I was too timid to scroll down. I think it might possibly something I saw in the late 60's. Outward appearance of anatomy in clothing is not a thrill for me...
    I agree, does the world really need this???!


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