Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Dream For Alison

The blogging community is a small one. And a giving one. I have experienced the generosity first hand. I don't know Penelope personally but I have enjoyed participating in Illustration Friday for a long time. I have been reading about her journey, her difficult journey, to be near her brother and sister-in-law during the most terrible time of their lives.

Penelope's sister-in-law, Alison, is bravely battling cancer. Our prayers are needed. And if you are so moved, money is needed.

1 comment:

  1. amen! i will put a link on my site as well. i have followed both alison and toms blogs and have always admire their relationship. they seem to be
    such a unique young couple

    i love your new profile image!
    blessings to you chickie


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