Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Self-Portrait Challenge 10.17

I want to become the veins of the leaves or escape into the vapors of a cloud....tendencies of a loner that sometimes comes across in a negative light to people around me.

Sometimes I feel small and insignificant and wish I were bigger and bolder. Explore more Self-Portrait Challenge's imperfectons here.


  1. I often like to 'blend in' too, Kim. I like to be involved w/o bring attention to myself. Though some don't understand and may think of this as an 'imperfection,' it is just part of who you are. Embrace your quiet voice.

  2. I love how different these two takes are on that idea. Very cool!

  3. Superb! You always...ALWAYS...have such wonderful posts each week. (And I adore how you described wanting to become the veins of leaves or escape into the vapors of a cloud. That could be worked into a wonderful poem.)


  4. Anonymous4:04 PM

    you are not small and insignificant, love these photos and your words!

  5. I can be quite the loner... I get a little overwhelmed when I get really social... Mmmm... sweet alone time!



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