Monday, October 02, 2006

Monday Frothy Hot Chocolate

Thank you so much for wonderful well wishes. I am healing nicely. Have burnt my corneas out watching too much TV and sleeping alot.

Frothy hot chocolate


  1. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Yum, thank you, I'd love to join you in a cuppa and a cooki. :-)

  2. so glad that you are on the mend.
    happy tuesday!

  3. Oh are those ginger thins from IKEA? We love those! I'm so glad you're doing better!

  4. I spent the day sleeping in front of I Love Lucy dvds--and I am not recovering from nothin'.

    Say, Something to Say, these cuppa and treat photos are so stunning. As with EVERY Frickin thing you do, they would make incredibly successful notecard series.


  5. How sad is it that your body has to FORCE you to take time off, woman? I'm the same way. *L* Glad you're doing better.

  6. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Goodness... look what I've missed in the past week not visiting your blog! I missed the drama but am here in time to say I'm glad you are on the mend. Great photos, as usual :-) I want to be nibbling on one of those cookies.

  7. Feels like I am having a cup with you- love the photos-glad you are feeling better.

  8. ok, it's Friday. More pics????

    Are you okay, you didn't call me back. :(

  9. Yummmm!! Oh I love ginger snaps as well. Gorgeous cup!


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