Saturday, September 16, 2006

Weddings - Ridiculous And Sublime

When my mind needs a rest of everyday mundane matters such as cleaning toilets or paying fills, I turn to my new addiction. Bridezilla and Platinum Weddings on the WE channel. The perfect combination of obscene and riduculous that keep me completely entertained and disgusted at the same time.

I did find some extraordinary wedding photographer links: Elizabeth Messina, Julie Pryor, Mark Staff Photography, and of course my two favorite wedding photographer friends - Studio 889 and Robin Layton. And, I almost forgot, a friend and co-worker is featured on Ron Storer photography.

If you need to have a video of your million dollar wedding, here is your site. Please take a minute to watch a couple, you will not regret it.

Frost Lighting has some wonderful and unusual lighting ideas special enough for any princess bride.

So on the lighter side of "I do's" -- I was invited to the most fun "mock" wedding party for a friend who made the mistake of "running off" to get married without telling anyone. So ... another friend was thrilled and obsessed with throwing her a secondary wedding, replete with a thrift store wedding dress, alterd and fitted for her, rewritten Dr. Seuss wedding vows, champagne and luncheon. It was the most memorable wedding I have ever attended. Congratulations, you two love birds!


  1. Anonymous9:03 AM

    How GREAT was the photographer link you posted who does dog portraits. Absolutely adorable.
    And - in this day & age of gloom and doom, how great is it to see and be reminded of the happy happy faces and adoring love expressed in wedding day photos.

  2. What a great, fun idea....a mock wedding party! I love it. And I bet that wedding will be remembered for a long time.

  3. That mock wedding thing is briliant - love the mint-green cake - cute!


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