Sunday, September 03, 2006

Illustration Friday - Safe

I have been slacking on the challenges lately. Thanks to Amy's suggestion of using my Illustration Friday post for Inspire Me Thursday challenge of "Inspired by Design" seems to be a perfect fit, and multi-tasking use of one post ;)

Safe is the challenge for this week's Illustration Friday, dedicated to my little canary who died a couple of years ago. I tried to keep him safe from harm. But he succumb to his illness one night and I buried him in the backyard under his own little tiles that read "Birdie's Eternal Song". I try to keep my cocker, Scooter safe from pain, keep my son safe from the world, keep my mom safe from cruelity, my husband safe. Don't we spend most of our lives trying to keep the ones we love, safe?
My apologies to this 1930's illustrator.

Inspired by these beautiful Deco images sweetly supplied by normavalentine, I made some color swatches for a project I am working on. I picked this, this and this for starters. Drawing some boxes and sampling the color in Adobe Illustrator and saving a file for later. It is a wonderful way to have color inspiration on hand.

Then I came across this Cigarette Card and I love the texture of the background. I have some of these and the offset printing, when it is just a little off, is what gives it interest! I have always wanted to try this and yesterday I did a very quick experiment with dotted lines in Adobe Illustrator but I like the effect and want to redo it now with more attention to the patterns. And for the image illustrated itself, it just spoke to me. And I wanted to recreate it.

Admittedly, I have not had time to just play in Adobe Illustrator lately, except to throw the quickest image together in 20 minutes for work. So I stopped, took time to play, to look, to revel in color and sweet, simple, clean lines, to remember the program that I love so much. What fun! My extra time lately has been going to crafts, paintings and shrines, and I missed you old friend!


  1. Sorry for ur little friend :(

    Ur illo es beautiful, I like it a lot.

  2. Kim, very nicely done. Tender.

  3. Beautifully done, love the contrast of the cool blues and the bright yellow of the poor little canary :)

  4. Totally great! Nice composition, and I love the restrained color palette! Well done. Thanks for sharing it!

  5. Really really beautiful!
    Thx for the additional info.

    The Tart
    ; *

    BTW, I love your avatar!

  6. I love what you did what that illustration, a cool update.

  7. I enjoyed seeing your inspiration for your illustration. Nicely done.

  8. love it! it is so sweet and the colors so lovely.

  9. a wonderful image; nicely done; in spite of the grief it appears she knows everything will be fine... safe.

  10. Anonymous11:02 PM

    very nicely done! I like her pose and the backgound patterns...guess a lot of of work?
    tnx for visiting my blog

  11. This is beautiful!!!

  12. This would work for this week's Inspire Me Thursday challenge as well ~ inspired by design! I'm a big Art Deco fan, so I loved your take on that style. I'm really impressed with your background pattern...amazing!

  13. Thank you all so much. Amy, what an excellent idea! It does work nicely into that theme.

  14. beautiful image vt dots...

  15. nice work. i like the sensitivity to the process.

  16. Lovely, Kim, and so touching. I like seeing how you put this all together. I love the pose and expression on the figure, and that background is fabulous.

  17. The colours are so gorgeous...sorry about your canary...its always heartbreaking to lose a friend

    Ouissi x

  18. Beautiful and tender. Wonderfully put.


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