Monday, August 07, 2006

Well Put!

Melanie Ford Wilson of wee world writes beautifully about something important very important - saving the world.


  1. Thank you for that link! What an eloquent post about something we should all be worried about.

  2. I am in a circle of folks who debate this issue, some of the points being the same as in Melanie's comments section.

    While in Alaska a few years back we took a tour of the Portage glacier and conversed with the Capt. of the vessel about his experiences. His main topic was how much the glacier had shrunk and was continuing to shrink year by year since his childhood and as Capt. of the boat. He had no agenda other than seeing part of the landscape disappearing.

    I choose to take the side of Melanie in this one. If I am wrong-the worse I can be accused of is being a nut who used as little as she could and left the place a tad cleaner.

  3. Anonymous3:46 PM

    O Yes!! Take my side!!! It is the right side to be on!
    Thanks for spreading the word Kim! That's really really wonderful of you!!!

    xo Melanie (AKA Wee)


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