Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Guilty Pleasures

Several years back I got to have a little entry in Guilty Pleasures about my thrift store shopping (hoarding) for plates and hiding them in the car. This year, everything I mentioned, even boxed wine was poo-poo-ed. I love the way the graphics turned out. What is your "guilty pleasure"?


  1. Currently I NEED fresh flowers in the house as often as possible. I live in a desert and cannot grow them myself. Thank you Costco.

    For years it was rubber. If I found rubber with an image I had to have it. I have thousands of images, some mounted on wood, others still just flat little pieces of grey...with the potential to colour (and rock) my world.

    That said, I also have a fondness for dinnerware; too many sets to mention, but I would be able to eat off a different plate each day for about two weeks. The difference between yours and mine, however, mine aren't nearly as elegant...yet. ; >

  2. I am glad I am not the only one with a dishware problem !

    guilty pleasures...the last few mornings lazed away in the cooler temps....

    Teacups , books and magazines....

    Wearing the same pair of too big Levis almost everyday (yehhh really)

    Taking a shower right before my partner so that he has to wipe down the shower , not me.

    Having an answering machine with the volume & ringer turned DOWN so I dont have to answer because I didn't hear it....

    Renewed interest in Jelly Belly Jelly Beans.

  3. oh gosh! I have just started doing the 'turn the answering machine/ringer on very low. so low no one can hear it! It has made such a difference in my days off! Books and magazines, but they poo pooed them in our meeting, and I thought having so many mags that you could not read them would be a guilty pleasure!


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