Monday, July 10, 2006

Tech Team Wanted

I spent all day downloading files from an old iMac, something I thought would take me an hour took me all afternoon. So while I was waiting for those files to transfer to zips, I decided to finally try out the new (to me) used Pfaff sewing machine that I purchased from a friend of mine. I have a bag of carefully cut squares of D's old shirts that I thought I would experiment one. So many zips later, this is where I ended up. And I also connected another computer to the DSL in the family room. SO now we can all get online ;) Isn't technology great. The only problem I had was when I was explaining to the little twirp at Comp USA what I wanted to do, and watching him roll his eyes when I was asking (stupid?) questions. Oh well, I got it all to work. But now I am at a standstill with the new (wonderful) sewing machine. I ran into a glitch rethreading the darn thing ... I wish I had a Tech team just follow me around, helping me with all my little technical problems throughout my day.

While I was ironing my sewn pieces, I lovingly remembered all the threads that lived on my grandmother's floors.

Bad Thread!

Shirt quilt


My mom buys Sanborns Orange Blossom cologne in bulk when she visits Texas. An after-shower splash in the summer heat is delicious. Check out the Mexican markets, it is very inexpensive and has a very strong fragrance.

Sanborns Orange blossoms


  1. Good to see you got it out, and look at all those fabric squares.

    The orange blossom colgne sounds good, I LOVE citrus!

  2. I like the nesting doll....cute idea. And the cologne sounds very summery and light.

  3. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Love the nesting doll idea. Reminds me of something similar I saw. A friend of mine had a co- worker who was leaving and before she did she fashioned 'egg people' after all the department members. It was the cutest.

  4. I have a Pfaff. A mess on the bottom the problem is on top. Mess on top, the problem is in the bobbin.

    Sounds stupid but it works. When I get great gobs of thread under, I just pull the thread out of the machine and rethread the top and into the needle. always works. Good luck.


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