Monday, July 31, 2006

The Sound Of Canning

Mom is back home after three weeks away! I bought 25 lbs. of apricots on Saturday from a street vendor and she has been very busy today. We agree there is no more satisfying sound than those lids popping.

Canning Apricots


Canning Apricots


  1. ohhh mmmm yummmm mmm

    gawd these pictures are gorgeous.


  2. I love apricot jam! Send your mom over this way with a couple of jars!! That's so nice that she does that. My mom never canned anything.

  3. Yum! I can almost smell the goodness.

  4. Your mom is pretty!

    And the jam looks yummy.

  5. Janet -- I will send you some ;)))

    Thanks all. Deb R. My mom is always the stylish one, people always think we are sisters :) is that good or bad?

  6. Hi!
    We'll it looks delicious... enjoy eating it with toasts... my mom makes jam with the fruits we grow in our garden: cherry, peaches, apricots... they're much better than the ones bought in the shops... probably because they're made with love...
    enjoy the flavours,

  7. I can't beleive she made it so quickly! Wow! Is it good? Hint Hint!!!

  8. I was just thinking I've always wanted to learn to can. Who knew the lids made a popping sound? I need to find a canning tutor. I'd fly cross country if your mom wants to start running a workshop!

  9. SAVE SOME FOR ME!!! Yummy Yummy looking!!
    I can taste it in my pancakes now, in my scones and muffins! Trade ya blueberries, and up you a blackberry from Laconner!
    Tell Ruth to read about Ho Onponopono on my blog! Hey Ruth!!!

  10. oh these look so delicious. i can smell it right through the screen.
    i was just tell debr that i want to learn how to can. there are so many wonderful things to be eating in the summer...i should go to the farmers market here in t-town today and purchase some of these said treats.

  11. I love that sound too especially when there are green beans in the jar! :)


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