Thursday, July 13, 2006


I am always so busy listening to the traffic report on the radio that forget to turn to KOUW....I caught two great shows on today. On weekday caught an interview with Sy Montgomery about a book she wrote concerning her friend and pig, Christopher Hogwood. Her relationship with the pig she saved and his relationship with her community. It was very, very sweet. Read the excerpt.

Then later that night I caught this: Lorraine Hunt Lieberson Remembered, a 52-year-old opera singer passed away last week and this is a piece about her friends and colleagues remembering her work, her work ethic, her immense talent. When I listen to Delibes "Flower Duet", I imagine what it would be like to be able to belt out sounds like that! My friend Rita can, she is a trained operatic singer.


  1. I think that might have be my next book to read. Right now I'm reading Marley and Me. One of the best books I've read in a long time. And your friend Rita? She CRACKS me up!! I lurk daily at her blog.

  2. My husband had a pig as a best friend on thier farm when he was a child. He was the second son, his older brother being 10 years older so not a pal at all. So him and the pig made friends. He still talks of playing tag with him.


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