Saturday, July 22, 2006

July 21st

July 21st is my mom's birthday, but she is away to North Bend. Will have to take her to a day spa when she returns home next week. Happy Birthday Mom, we miss you!

Today was our big 10th anniversary celebration at work. Employees have been flown in from outpost all over the world. The day started early, with me packing up my 'party clothes' to change into at work and heading out the door. Then breakfast, seminars, luncheon, meetings and fitting in some work.

July 22 a.m.

I worked up until the last minute, changed into party clothes in the women's restroom. After all that angst over what to wear, buying, internet searching, returning, I ended up wearing my old black suit. It looked the best and I was more comfortable in it.

July 21 p.m.

The celebration ended up on top of the world, at Columbia Tower, for dinner and cocktails and a group of us heading off to other various bars later. Here are a couple of views from the top of the world, including seeing Safeco Field during a game. And a beautiful sunset. It was wonderful seeing everyone.

View from the top

View from the top of the world

A larger view.

View from the top

Larger view here, see how small the Space Needle looks?

View from the top


  1. Beautiful photos of the city. We lived near Seattle for several years....I love the architecture of the downtown area.

  2. enjoyed the recap of your special day. great pics and it was interesting to see the outfit you chose after the recent post on "dress-up" possibilities.(i too, am choosing comfort as the determiner lately)


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