Saturday, July 08, 2006

In A One Word (Or Two)

Memes are often silly but I think they can tell alot about a person. I borrowed this from Scenes from a slow moving train and keeping it to one word was difficult (I did not have to change the book entry). Let me know in comments if you found one word answers.

1. Yourself: frenzied
2. Your partner: baseball
3. Your hair: unkempt
4. Your mother: glamorous
5. Your father: suicide
6. Your favorite item: computer
7. Your dream last night: bigblackhole
8. Your favorite drink: merlot
9. Your dream home: (log) cabin
10. The room you are in: family
11. Your pleasure: everything
12. Your fear: failure
13. Where you want to be in 10 years: successful
14. Who you hung out with last night: family
15. What you're not: organized
16. Your best friend: plentiful
17. One of your wish list items: macro-lens
18. Your gender: female
19. The last thing you did: clean
20. What you are wearing: pajamas
21. Your favorite weather: nippy
22. Your favorite book: Pride & Prejudice
23. Last thing you ate: Chinese (from box)
24. Your life: hypersonic
25. Your mood: upbeat
26. The last person you talked to on the phone: son
27. Who/what are you thinking about right now: music

Also, I really love and appreciate this post from Tammy, Daily Warrior about accepting our own reflection. Especially after getting a glimpse of Priscilla Presley the other day on the news. I want to yell out to these woman - "Please stop doing that to yourself, it is painful to look at you, we would rather see the wrinkles!"

1 comment:

  1. Your one word list is great! I did one earlier.

    And that link you have to "these women" was something else!! I just don't understand why people do that to themselves...just chasin' after young.


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