Friday, July 28, 2006


I got D to gather up all the wonderful prints that I have been collecting from you talented folks out there to frame. He has impeccable taste and the perfect touch when it comes to framing. Now I just have to juggled some art around on the walls to fit it all on.

Camilla Engman. David picked a wood-worm-eaten frame for the Bear (his personal favorite) and a green leaf for "I love you ..".

Camilla Engman

Camilla Engman

For Penelope's "Fireflies" he choice a bluish frame tinged with gold. It is the perfect choice

Penelope Dullaghan

For Katy's he found an antiqued wood frame that compliments in the brown in the piece. (love it)

Katy Horan

For Mati's "Blooming" he picked the perfect frame. A dark maroon edged with red detail. I fully intended on giving "Bad Kitty" away as a present, but couldn't part with it. He framed it in a dark blue frame.

Mati McDonough


  1. You have some very interesting artwork (I love it) and the framing is just perfect. It must be a joy to have so many wonderful things to look at when you're home.

  2. Thanks guys! (no lotto, but I got my bonus!)

  3. Love seeing them framed, great eye candy.


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