Sunday, July 16, 2006

Beautiful Sunday - 07.16

Beautiful Sunday. Sunday is my Saturday. I like to wake up whenever, no rushing out the door to work, no phone calls, no sitting at a computer for 10 hours thinking about "bad" news, no thinking about driving in traffic, no shower, no getting dressed. Just a cup of coffee, quiet, checking email, blogs, flowers in the backyard. No pressure, on plans. That is a Beautiful Sunday. More Beautiful Sunday on Flickr.

Today I am drive to North Bend to see my mom, take her a computer so she can work on her cookbook while she looks after a friend recuperating from surgery. Miss you mom!

Beautiful Sunday -- 07 16


  1. Anonymous11:39 AM

    That too is my idea of a Beautiful Sunday and that lovely cup - it's positively Queenly! Have a great one!

  2. Beautiful Sunday indeed! You picture and describe it so well! Thank you for the lovely thought. We get so buried with work we forget to pause to enjoy the moment. Especially on HOT Sundays like this one. We put the horses out at 6am and bring them in before 12pm before the heat really gets bad. I got so caught up with the work this morning I forgot it was "Beautiful Sunday". Thanks for reminding me!!

  3. Thanks for the lovely comment..I love this beautiful cup & saucer! I don't have weekends as such anymore as I work for myself but sunday, even if I do some work, is still a specially peaceful day...


  4. If I could have my Sunday morning coffee in that beautiful cup I would be so happy. I agree that we all need at least one day of complete withdrawal from all the "bad" stuff in the world. I hope your Sunday was very restful.

  5. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I agree, that is JUST what Sundays should be for and nothing else!

  6. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Beautiful teacup (and Sunday) and hey, I know where North Bend is! I always forget you live close to me.

  7. Ooh, I love tea cups. Tea cups, tea pots, sugar bowls, pots of jam... they're symbols of home and comfort to me.

  8. What a gorgeous picture.

    Treasure of a cup !!

    I know this cup !

    It is made in Russia.

    I bought this same pattern and shape for a friend years and years ago promising myself I would get my own because I loved it so much. Here I am at least ten years later ... I still do not have THIS cup !

    What a treat to find it here ! Beautiful photo.

    Enjoyed reading about your down time.
    Love, S.


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