Saturday, June 17, 2006

Do Nothiner

D was watching The Colbert Report (I was on the computer just listening) when I heard this exchange, I turned to my husband and said is this for real? Read more here about the do nothiner.

AFI's 100 Most Inspirational Movies.

I have to deal with logos all the time in my line of work, trying to fit them into our design elements without losing their intregrity. I did scratch my head when I saw the World Cup (after watching this - I am starting to enjoy soccer) Logo. Erik Spiekermann says World Cup Design "Just Embarrassing", I agree, via Newsvine.

Spamrecycler via pixelisten, via Google blogoscoped.

This is a Must Watch! For those of us constantly trying to learn Flash, Animator vs. Animation by Alan Becker is priceless, via pixeleye - multi-talented Dirk Behlau's Daily Design Blog.


  1. Priceless! Stephen Colbert is so good....I missed this one though.

  2. O.k., my head is spinning! LOL Too much for this tiny little mind to obsorb! Way too much fun! THANKS!

  3. Tip of the hat Mr. Colbert! Oh how he ROCKS!


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