Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Brown (Vase) Tuesday

Color Week I spotted on Trudesign and today is brown (vase) Tuesday. Should view it large! More colors on little birds.

Brown Tuesday


  1. Your photography is excellent, I love this image!

  2. You always have the coolest links! I had to participate in this one too (at least brown) with my dorky camera. Love your flower pics! My oriental poppies are opening now - wish I could do them justice! Guess I should just draw them!

  3. Thank's for visiting my blog! Your's is lovely and I will be back often.

  4. Thank's for visiting my blog! Your's is lovely and I will be back often.

  5. thank you Melba, I like that suggestion...I added some metal in the form of wrapping the leaves on last night, and it added a nice affect..I love your thought process in that!

  6. This little brown bottle tugs at my heart. I have a collection of different sizes and I imagine all sorts of origins - probably very utilitarian. To be elevated to "vase" is such a lovely tribute. Your white Monday was delicious, too. I hadn't heard of this color week challenge, but it is wonderful.

  7. So beautiful! I love the contrasts and the textures. Fantastic!

  8. I love that you let it growing into somewhere only our imagination can go. The root is there... climb up! :)

  9. Oh...my dream would be to have a series of you photos on my wall.

    They are so beautiful!

  10. Poppies rank among my favorite flowers. They poke their beardy little pods up through the scalloped-edged leaves, languourously stretching ever skyward until the bud stands a full foot above her lowly earth-bound neighbors. Then the encasement of five-o'clock shadow gives way and a saucy flounce of papery petals unfurl, remarkably tenacious in a windstorm. The poppy bloom is one of the most elegant of the flower queendom. She is at once classic and contemporary, young and ancient, Asian and New World, highly addictive contraband and peace-and-relief-giving medicine. All this in the clever packaging of a grand dame who is a raving beauty with the confidence to show up for her photo-shoot without shaving her whiskery legs. Gotta love those poppies!


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