Sunday, June 11, 2006

Beautiful Sunday - Heaven Scent

Beautiful Sunday. Summer and honeysuckle. In the heat of a Texas night it can be perfume for the soul. Here in Washington state, it is only in July and August that I really get the hint when I walk through the front gate where the honeysuckle and grapes have come together to form a natural arbor. I planted the honeysuckle directly under my son's second story bedroom window. I could imagine the warm summer night air heavy with the scent of honeysuckle floating into his room, hanging over his little head while he slept. There is a chickadee house hidden by the honeysuckle leaves and I envy them this time of year. I go out there at dusk, stick my nose right in the pollen ladened stamen, snort the perfume and my mouth can not help but form a smile. My Beautiful Sunday Flickr set and more Beautiful Sunday images here.

Heaven Scent for Beautiful Sunday - 060611


  1. simple-elegant-magical...........

  2. The colors of the flower with the vase is awsome!

  3. This is not only a tribute to the loveliness of flowers, but to a mother; who thoughtfully planted them to benefit her son's dreams.

    What a mom.

  4. Honeysuckle has to be one of my favorite all-time summer scents. Beautiful.

  5. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Love Love Love Honeysuckle scent... !!

  6. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Yum, that is just lovely.


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