Monday, June 26, 2006

100,000 And One Slap On The Wrist

Today Something To Say exceeded 100,000 visits. Weird! That is a small number for most blogs but for my little part of cyperspace it feels like an achievement. The 100,000th visitor was from Liege, Limburg. I wish I knew who you were, I would send you some token commemorative gift.

I turned off my comments yesterday after an exhaustive exchange with someone I offended on flickr. I posted something in a pool late night, after work, when I was tired. I thought I knew the pool "the rules" when I did it, and realized later that I had forgotten. I said something flippant in my own comments about what had happened and the comments started flying. The long and short of it is that meaning sometimes get losts and distorted in comments and emails. I know majority of you do not know me personally, but I am far from a rude, in-your-face person. I usually go the extra mile to be nice, pleasant and non-confrontational. I was trying to figure out how to turn off comments in all left me exhauseted and disgusted. It felt like someone woke on the wrong side of the flickr page. I really don't post things for the comments, I post words and pictures really for myself, because I discovered in the beginning of my blogging journey that it made me more aware of the sweetness of my life. Comments, exchanges and making new friends are the cherry on top of an all ready delicious dessert. ;)

This the final mail I received from the disgruntled person and I thought it was very mean-spirited.

"I left this as a comment, and then realized that I really didn't care to have any more of the inane back and forth, and deleted it. A word of advice: anybody who reacts that badly to having their completely off-topic photo removed from a group (with an explanation, so they even know why!) has no business posting to groups. I'd advise against it until you're prepared to receive comments that aren't 100% ass-kissing. Your art recipe was cool. Too bad you aren't. My comments to your last comment:

"... and that negates calling me rude and disrespectful?

I read the whole thing. I only felt the need to respond to the insult."

You've been blocked. I prefer only to communicate with non-passive-aggressive folks who can take criticism (and it wasn't even of your friggin' art, only your ability to follow directions), and who don't think their shit smells like roses. Good riddance!


  1. Congrats on the 100,000. I have 4,000 so you can see just how popular you are in our tiny blog-o-sphere.

    So your shit smells like roses? Cool.

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Are you freakin kidding me??? I have found that when you are not "face to face" with certain people you can see how mean they are inside. I am so sorry you had to deal with freaks like that. Congrats on your 100,000!! That is exciting!


  3. yuck yuck yuck. I hate it when this happens. And it happens all the time. You don't deserve it and I'm sorry it all went down ugly. I'm so glad the comments are back up because I wanted to comment on the wonderful Texas storm picture. I love it. It's true everything's big in TX... the sky, the storms, the wide open spaces.

  4. Hooray for 100,000 visitors! Sorry to hear about the shittiness over on flickr though. You know, without the mean people, we wouldn't appreciate the pleasant ones like you nearly as much!

  5. Damn! I'd probably have turned off comments too. (But I'm glad to see them back on.)

    Congrats on the 100k visitor!

  6. Anonymous12:58 PM

    You've never come across to me negatively. Too bad you can't post at that Flickr group anymore. They will be missing some good stuff, that's for sure. I hope you'll still be sharing your art here. Congrats on 100,000+ visitors!

  7. Oh, I can still post to flickr, just not to a particular pool. I don't think I manage to offend the entire flickr staff (yet) ;)))

  8. From my perspective your online personality comes across as quite nice. If I read something funky from you I would give you the benefit of the doubt.

  9. It's amazing how mean spirited some people can be! It's always so much easier to say something in writing than to say it to someone's face. I could especially relate to the following instructions part, in view of my own mistake recently! Don't feel bad...there will always be mean people but I've always found more nice incluced.

  10. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Oh dear! That flickr reply was horriffic. I think people can get messages across fully without nastiness. It is just unecessary.

    Well, I hope you're still smilin'....100,000're obviously well loved!

  11. 100,000 wahoo! wahoo, wahoo! Yay for you!

    Oh, and the brewhaha at flickr sounds s lot like something i'd do. I can never seem to remember all the rules to anything and spend a lot of my time batting clean-up.

    Don't let the buggers get you down.

  12. Yay! 100000 is a pretty huge number for a blog, actually, and I think you should feel a real sense of accomplishment. You have a gift for sharing beauty, and it keeps me and others coming back to see what lovelies you've ferreted out from the wilds of the 'net, let alone the magnificent floral photos you treat us to so frequently.

    They're out there - haters - and you just have to wonder at people who react in such a hostile manner. And for anyone reading this, I've known Kimmer for almost 20 years, and she took me under her wing when I was an early-20s mental defective, and she is the very embodiment of a boldly kind and giving person. In all this time, she has never been anything but a patient, saintly, unconditionally loving person. I am privileged to call such a person my friend. Everyone should be so blessed.

    The difficulty of communicating in a medium where we only have the literal word to go upon, it is easy to mistake meaning without the typical cues we use such as facial expression and intonation.

    Thumper had it right all those years ago, and if folks can't say something nice, best to keep mum. I'm glad the comments are back.

    I, too, wanted to comment on the lovely painting that I so admired in your dining room when last I was in Washington, and yes, you've obviously spent a great deal of time observing the subject of the Texas storm. I love how you captured how intensely green the field is in the foreground. Beautiful!

  13. Anonymous8:54 AM

    c'est la vie..... one crabbioso comment in 100,000 posts? I'd say you're doing pretty good. (smile)

    I participate on a lot of chat forums and can definitely relate to the fact that the written word can be interpretted in sooooo many ways, even when you THINK you've considered everything.

    Hugs to you...

  14. I had to read this over again because I couldn't get it...someone was that angry? (#1) and at *you*? (#2)! I couldn't believe it. Sometimes people are just nuts.

    Congratulations on 100,000...heck, I am way impressed... I think I am at 6,000 or somethin' and most of those are from google search! lol!

    Hugs Kim, you're one of the best!

  15. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Argh!!! I'd wondered why you'd shut off your flickr comments, you've been posting some real gorgeous photos lately & I've been wanting to tell you how much your flower photos mean to me. Screw that person. Forget that. ARGH!!!! In other good news, congrats on your 100,000!!!!

  16. Woohoo! 100,000 - that is awesome!! Screw that awful person on flickr (the backwash of the flickr community)!


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