Friday, May 26, 2006

Studio Friday - Antique

I saw this adorable doll head at an antique store, her little blinking eyes called out to me. I am submitting it for Antique for Studio Friday.


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    what is it about those sweet doll faces of days gone by that make us want to bring them home with us...just love her pretty face...

  2. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Thanks for your comment on my's been a little secret of mine and the girls...Kathleen helped me with the ins and outs of blogworld...they are my treasures....Have a great day.....

  3. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Hey Kim, thanks for your comment on my blog. I can't believe the gas prices! So the West is getting jacked up too? It's Unbelievable.

    And I love your doll's face, by the way. The eyes are so pretty.

  4. I love these dolls you find! and love more the wonderful designs you create with them!

  5. What a sweet face on the dolly. Such wide, innocent eyes.


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