Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Spring Smells So Good

Everyday there is a little spring gift waiting for you in sight and smell. Today, the gift would be Lilacs and Daphnes. Can you smell the beauty?


Larger view here

Sweet Daphne

Larger view here


  1. Firey autumn can also be good! The daphne has just about been picked clean by the slugs ;( My young lilac died, these are from my neighbor but I can still love and adore them.

  2. Breathtaking photos.

    I can smell them from here.

  3. those pics are so very pretty!!!

  4. Anonymous5:54 AM

    You lucky lucky girl! No lilacs to be found here in Texas, but your photos are gorgeous!!!!!! Yummy!

  5. those photos are great. i feel like i can smell of the flowers and sense their dampness.

  6. i should really review what i write before i post it! ignore that extra of in my comment!

  7. Anonymous10:32 AM

    you have such awesome pics as well. may i ask what camera you use? :)

  8. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Kim, thank you for replying to me via my blog! I would have checked back frequently for a reply here so I really appreciate you coming over.
    Cheers to you!

  9. I'm loving all the surprises in my garden this year, the moments of "oh! I forgot I planted that!" I also had volunteer marigolds and poppies grow in the crack between the concrete pavers by the pool, and I let them, and now they're blooming. Good stuff!


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