Friday, May 05, 2006

Full Time Flickr

Keeping up with Flickr could be a full-time job! Poetry, terrific toy set, a very bouncy dress, the most wonderful wisteria photograph (I can just picture myself there), spring in Japan, the cutest salt & pepper shakers, and two little butterflies. Now wasn't that lovley?


  1. Flickr is my replacement drug. I used to be an Ebay addict, but now, with Flickr, I can peruse through endless photo streams and not get caught up in the ol' "oh I have to have it... let me just click this "BUY IT NOW" button." Flickr is amazing... and lets us live vicariously through others if we so choose. My friend recently upgraded me to PRO status as a birthday present and I look forward to organizing my photos into photo sets!

  2. I'm with ya! It used to be blogger that kept me so busy. I had to-do lists like I was running a business "Blog Things To Work On...HTML code, comments, post about Tom's socks..." etc.
    Now Flickr's got me running errands and learning photography.
    I really feel like I have a career now, but when people who DON'T blog or flickr ask me what I've been up to, there's just no way to explain.
    It's like being a secret agent, and I'm telling folks I'm a SAHM as my cover.
    (Glad I found you through Flickr.)

  3. I just love flickr! I am always amazed at what one can find there. Thanks for pointing these little treasures.


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