Monday, May 01, 2006

All Feels Right With The World (Today)

Mom is back. D cleaned house. My son dusted his room and put up his clean clothes. The dog beds are clean. The floors are vacuumed. The living room is clean! I am having a fire and a glass of wine. AND I took time to shoot some English Daisies. My remarkable friend came over and told me all about her High School group that is rallying for Drafur cause. It gives me much hope. All feels right with the world tonight.

Mom back in her rightful place -kitchen ;)

English daisy

English daisy

Pica yawning


  1. These are wonderful! Glad to see you mom is back (will she come cook for me?). :)

    What camera do you use? I'm thinking of upgrading. Your pictures are so gorgeous!

  2. Love that yawn,,, or is it a laugh.

    Dinner parties,,,,, can I come!

    Say Hi to Mom for me!

  3. Love the photos...the doggie yawning is great...and of course the flowers are ALWAYS awesome!


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