Monday, April 03, 2006

Spring Cleaning - Internet Yard Sale

I am cleaning my studio up a little bit. I had this idea to sell some things I did not want anymore for what I bought them for. So I am going to try it and see if this works. There is something for sell here. This is sold! Thank you.

Changing all my little inspirations while I am cleaning. Of course my inspiration wall will be full of "trades" from ArtFest.

Inspiration wall - artfest

Paintchip color inspiration


  1. these little pieces from your experience...little pieces of inspiration. love it.
    this week we are going to get my "mood boards" up - one that i will change weekly and one with "stuff" on it that i will keep up longer. i can't wait! many of my artfest trades will make it up on that wall.
    oh and one more thing. i forgot to tell you that little did you know that the stamp you gave me would be my husband. a man sitting drinking tea and reading. he wants me to make notecards for him with it. perfect!

  2. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Hi Kim! It was so great to meet you _ I'm glad I recognized you and said hi! My email is mmhubbell at earthlink dot net - and I see you found my blog! (and I found yours!) so lets keep in touch.. and by the way, thank you SO much for finding my wallet! I couldn't have gotten home without it!!

  3. Anonymous8:08 AM


  4. Very cool that you were kind enough to return Melissa's wallet. WHen she said she had lost it I thought "uh-oh!" but then she said she had gotten it back. Good to know there are still kind and honest people in the world! GOod on ya!


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