Sunday, April 02, 2006

My ArtFest Experience

Mom asked me which class was my favorite. I honestly could not pick just one. I had no idea what to expect, I was just hoping something would open my mind and make something click in there. All of the classes gave me just what I needed and wanted. There is a Show and Tell the last night for all to share what they have created. Most of my photos did not turn out, so here are the few I have. I wish I had the name of each artist and instructor, I will be investigating that.

First class was the
Icon Adornments with the Jane Wynn. Jane is whimsical and generous in sharing lots-o-secrets with us. I really had a good time in her class.

Jane Wynn's Icon Adornment Necklace

Second class -
XXI Century Crazy Quilt by Janet Cooper. An elegant artist wearing wonderful clothes that make you say - "I want to look like that!" I blogged Crispina recycling magic some time ago, but to see her handiwork in person is awesome! Her site seems to be broken ;(. See more images of the quilts and Janet Cooper's work here here.

Janet Cooper's XXI Century Quilt

Janet Cooper's XXI Century Quilt

The last class was Jane Wynn's
Tainted Toys. Turning the most mundane plastic toys into rusted, distressed treasures. Lots of toys, epoxy and paint. See more "Making Tainted Toys" here.

The beginning of my "Prima Dinosaura". I did not take many plastic toys. I had a tiny ballerina and many dinosaurs. I cut the head off the ballerina and traded it with a dinosaur. And that was my beginning!

Making tainted toys

Making Tainted Toys

Making Tainted Toys

The almost finished piece (you know we are never really finished).


  1. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I KNEW you'd have a wonderful time, Kim! I love the dinosaur piece. Can't wait to see and hear everything you can think of to share here about your Artfest experience.
    I need a few days like that to recharge my creative batteries, but I'll have to live vicariously for now.

  2. What an exciting and inspiring opportunity to get to know people while you are doing something you love!

  3. Kim.....I love the photos and the ART! How GREAT!!!!! The old toy shrine is awesome...what a clever idea!!! I just adore all of it! You are SOOOO talented! Wish I could have been there...maybe next year! Sounds like you had fun! What's your next project????


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