Tuesday, April 04, 2006

In The Spirit Of

In the spirit of ArtFest Trades, recycling, reusing and me going through and thinning out drawers in my art studio (I am a paper-hoarder!) - I have put together 10 packages full of colored paper stock, ledger paper, pilot's log paper, emphera, a couple of rubber stamps and lots of other goodies. If you would like one of these packages, please email me at somethingtosay-blog at hotmail dot com (note: this is not my usual email) and I will mail it to you free. Yes, FREE. ;) This is not a great photo of stuff, click on image for a slightly larger view.

These packages are gone! Thanks everyone. I am still cleaning studio, there might be more in the making ;)


  1. Anonymous2:19 AM

    These are great parcels....I just emailed. Crossing fingers that you might send overseas.

  2. same here... I will send you an e-mail and see if you're up to it :)

  3. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Oh, yay! I'm so glad I saw this early, 'cause I'm sure you'll get lots of requests.

    I just e-mailed a "yes, please" to you! : )

  4. How do we know if we're getting a package from you? I emailed you hours ago, but no reply?

  5. I emailed you on your hot mail account. Are you there today?


  6. Coops- I left you a message on your blog with my email address. The email is linked in the post. Send me an email with your address

    Tara - I was on then my friend came over and I went away. I am off now to see flowers with my mom, will be back later today. I sent you a reply ;) talk to you soon - Kim

  7. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I know the feeling. I am trying to start using a room at home as my studio but I have no idea how I will organize tons of things that I stuffed here and there.

    It was nice of you the offer all that material for free.


Thank you for stopping and taking time to leave a message