Thursday, April 13, 2006

Illustration Friday -- Speed

This week's Illustration Friday almost sped right past me. I think it is amazing how fast you can move when you are heading off for vacation, and then with what velocity that same vacation can pass by! Dug this out of the ghost archives of illos past.

Illustration Friday - Speed


  1. I love the illo and the concept.

  2. Great idea and fantastic colours - really fun illustration!

  3. Great illustration. I love your choice of colours.

  4. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Very cool illustration, very alive and interesting! I enjoyed your blog on colour as well.

  5. I'm so there! Who can't feel the speed here? Great color scheme. This is a very lively illustration!

  6. I really like the colors you chose here. The suitcase and pants give him a funky vintage look...kinda reminds me of Kramer and his kookie clothes. Your art is always so crisp and expressive.

  7. Hey great looking piece! Nice work :)


  8. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Colorful and energetic, Kim! Sorry you're vacations over but it sounds like you spent your time was well-spent. :)

  9. I really like your hip whimsical hard edge style. Hey, we're neighbors! I work out of Puyallup.

  10. Anonymous11:38 PM

    so nice...

  11. thank you one and all. This was me off to vacation, okay, not going to London...but...
    Maria, I saw yours, much more flowing and spontaneous!

    Yeah, Carla, it is kind of Kramer look, isn't it, I think it might be the socks!

    Bron, hey neighbor!
    paula, yes, it is over, but it was good to have some down time!
    Thanks again, everyone!

  12. This is excellent work. Well done. Cheers!

  13. Anonymous3:42 PM

    WOW! I don't know how I missed this, (could it be the zillions of people posting on IF these days?) But I rrreally love this illustration you did! Have fuuunn on your vacation --wish I was going on one.

  14. Thank you Holly and and thank you Shawn! Yes, IF has become very popular hasn't it? I can hardly get to see even half of the entries anymore!


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