Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Lurking And Reporting Back (II)

Michelle over at Green Kitchen. Look at these delicious items from plump pudding. Found these Beautiful Objets via Micasa - sisters who blog - very wonderful blog. DebR's fun blog and her great March SPT, first week. And I did look up 11.11, not sure if this is the explanation but it is interesting. I want this The Amish Elf book.

Alex Noriega blog from Barcelona via Mecozy.

Corey Moortgat - collage artst blog.

alice*lands and her website and Pam Garrison.

Creation Quotation Thursday

Little birds at The Garden of Pink Shadows

Faryn Davis via Newfry and her wonderful books.

Laurelines lovely flowers and blind contour treasures.

Joyously Becoming joyously creating.


  1. Anonymous12:33 PM

    la vie - you and me both!!! aren't we lucky?

    Thank you thank you Kimmy!

  2. Once again, awesome links! Thanks for posting.

  3. I have to agree about you providing us with the most fascinating links. Thank you.

    I was directed today to your link about the 1111 spirit guides. Tonight I stopped at the market for some provisions and my total was $11.11.

    Go figure. I often see street lamps go dark. As a kid I had this thing when the digital clocks would read 12:34 I would say, "1234, that's not something you see everyday." And my sister would reply, "Yes you do, twice if you look."

  4. Anonymous8:56 AM

    So many creative people everywhere! Love it! Thanks for sharing their links, Kim.

    Also wanted to say your "spring" pictures are stunning.

    And a very nice job of sharing about your family. A tribute to each of them, indeed!

  5. Halo!

    I do so, love your blog! so inspiring, so informative & cheery!

    thanks for all the lovely links~

    xo ~Izabella

    p.s. I didn't see you at Artfest! althought I did find your business card in the art asylum~


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