Friday, March 10, 2006

Illustration Friday - Tattoo

Illustration Friday this week is "tattoo". Although I never watched "Fantasy Island", I do remember the character Tattoo.


  1. fun lovely illo!! Unique interpretation of the theme!!

  2. ! didn't even think about that! Great illo

  3. I am cracking up so loud that I scared the husband and the dog. Not kidding. I LOVE THIS!

  4. Oh this is so wonderful - perfect interpretation! I adore it and also really well done!

  5. That is marvelous - Herve Villachaise(sp?) would be so proud!

    Boss! Boss! The plane! The plane!

  6. thank you one and all. Here is the sad thing. When I was looking him up on the internet for reference, I ran across the site that detailed his suicide, note, the messiness of his backyard, where the bullet went in the wall. It all seems very intrusive, that a private, tragic event like suicide, the idea that you ended your own life, all the details, end up on some internet site. It made me very depressed.
    But I do like my littel version of him. Thank you!

  7. Ok yes.. I remember that serie. Great caption of Tattto character !

  8. Great idea!!! Love, it.

  9. This is such a great take on the topic! I remember that little guy - I had no idea he committed suicide:< Fantasy Island was a pretty silly show, but I always found the Tattoo character amusing. This illo captures him well!

  10. Anonymous8:12 AM

    "de plane, de plane"... LOL Love!

  11. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Excellent caricature. I really like the colours you used to. Brilliant!


  12. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Even though I don't use it much lately, I am big fan of Illustrator. This work is perfect. Great job!

  13. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I did watched it, and I loved it as I was very little.

    BTW... thank you for the nice comment you made in my blog.

    Cheers :-*

  14. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Fun, Kim! Who else but Lil' Tatoo?

  15. A great illo, though this Tattoo is not quite so known in Finland.

  16. Love this -- spot-on for capturing his slightly lounge-lizard feeling -- and the best part is he is GIGANTIC on this island, like he's become a Godzilla!

  17. By have Tattoo visually bigger than the island, depicts how important his role was on the show.
    Good clean rendering!

  18. Thank you everyone for you nice comments, I have been so wrapped up in turnign 50 this week, I have neglected my blog and saying thank you.

  19. Anonymous10:23 AM

    The second design of fantasy island I have seen today. I think that you have an awesome imagination. I love the way you have designed this image. I think you have a great talent. Keep doing what your doing, it wonderful

  20. Maybe my own version of Herve Villechaize will cheer you up about his suicide. Check it out and happy 50th Birthday! Enjoy it!


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