Tuesday, March 07, 2006

How I Spent Last Tuesday

D and I made this for his work. Mostly made from newspaper and lots and lots of glue and sequins. Invitation looks great.


  1. love it! totally reminds me of a masquerade party i had:) thanks for that!

  2. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Holy moly, Kim. That is a MASK! Absolutely stunning. No wonder you've got a few things to clean up in the studio. :) As always, you're the creative mac daddy.

  3. Wow! That is so wonderful!

  4. Anonymous10:02 AM

    That is so devine! What's the invite for?

  5. Thank you. It was a invitation a newspaper - Association for Managing Editors...held New Orleans. My husbands idea was to make it all out of newspaper feathers which we did. It was fun


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