Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Business Cards

I did a little different and quick business card to have at ArtFest. Nice quality, quick, rounded corners $10/100, with shipping and all about $22.00.

Flower Business Cards


  1. those are so nice, do they come with rounded corners?
    HAPPY birthday!!!
    xox, mati

  2. Thank you Mati. The rounded corners are an option and I wanted to see what it looked like.

  3. These are great where did you have them made?

  4. http://www.overnightprints.com/

    they look better than I thought. And not very expensive

  5. Anonymous7:47 PM

    these are great. can't wait to see them in person

  6. WoW!!! These cards are beautiful.
    I somehow just stumbled upon your blog from Google :))
    Would you mind telling me HOW you created these from this site? Is this your photo you took & pasted on the card, or was it a free background? Thanks and look forward to your response.

  7. Anonymous4:14 AM

    these are SO gorgeous! its looking great. Plastic Cards

  8. Business card is an important aspect towards a successful business. Therefore it is important for the business people that they should invest a good deal of money and effort in making lucrative business cards.
    Plastic business cards

  9. So beautiful business cards. Thanks for showing unique business cards.
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