Sunday, March 19, 2006

Beautiful Sunday

There is nothing boring about a flower, in full bloom or dried up in weird and wonderful shapes. The beauty of a flower never fades.

Shot for the
Beautiful Sunday Flickr pool. You can see a large view here.

Beauty of the rose never fades


  1. ooo - this is my favorite of the several you put on your flickr stream. I left a comment there. It's perfect for Beautiful Sunday. I agree with you 100% about the beauty never fading. I see the beauty of age as a changing beauty, an always shifting focus. This is just gorgeous, Kim. :)

  2. Anonymous8:03 PM

    oh kim!! this si JUUUUST beautiful! (and i love your new avatar pic! you look so pretty :)

  3. Anonymous2:40 AM

    this is so beautiful - wonderful!!

  4. Anonymous6:02 AM

    oooo... I would so much rather look here looking at beautiful things than thinking of house work.. sigh...


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