Thursday, February 09, 2006

ZoLo In Another Corner

I really love the flickr's Corners of My Home pool. We have these ZoLo wooden pieces in a basket that kids and adults play with all the time. I think about it now, they have been there for 15 years! I was going to buy David more a couple of years ago but I could not find them made in wood, only plastic. It looks like they are making more out of wood now, hhhmmmm, next Christmas?!



  1. Really! Did you find some on Ebay, I never even looked!

  2. oh I love these, I had a set too and gave them away. I want some now too!

  3. Anonymous12:23 PM

    we got a set of those for christmas, but they're plastic... I can only imagine how wonderful they'd be in wood!


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